There I was, toes over the edge, staring at a 300 foot drop below. I heard the countdown of “3…2…1.” Before I could think, I was falling, head over heels into the canyon below. Bungee jumping is definitely a must-do when in Los Cabos.
We booked our tour through Cabo Day Trips, which offers many incredible trips all over the Cabo area. From land to sea excursions, they have so many amazing experiences. The bungee jump was at an adventure park called Wild Canyon , which is about a 15 minute drive from downtown Cabo San Lucas. The park is full of thrill-seeking adventures. Wild Canyon has ziplines, ATV’s, camel and horseback rides! In addition to thrills, you can also visit Wild Canyon’s Animal Kingdom Sanctuary. Here they have crocodiles, monkeys, macaws, and more!
Em and I have been bungee jumping twice before. Once was off of a small, 75 ft crane and the other was into a 200 ft quarry. This was our highest freefall experience. I thought that our past experiences would prevent any nervous butterflies I may experience. But as soon as we stepped on to the glass floor gondola, dangling in the middle of the canyon, those butterflies were there! The bungee jump operator was amazing. He had over 15 years of bungee jumping experience and walked us through the entire process. He made us feel extremely safe and made sure that we were having a great experience!
Before I knew it, my feet were strapped in and it was jump time. The gate opened, I took a few steps forward and waited for the countdown. Seconds later, I was falling through the air. I don’t remember much about the freefall. But I do remember bouncing back up and spinning around in the canyon. A few seconds later the hook came down to pull me back up and I was finished!
It was a big relief being back in the gondola, but I think I was more nervous to watch Em jump! Her Gopro video did a great job of capturing her thoughts of her whole experience!
Whether you are a thrill seeker or not, Wild Canyon bungee jumping is definitely worth a visit – and Cabo Day Trips is an excellent place to book your tour!
~ Read our 8 Best Things To Do in the Baja Peninsula of Mexico post for more ideas on what to experience in this beautiful country!